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رئة محركك - كيف يعمل فلتر الهواء

وقت الإصدار:

Jul 19,2023

تحتاج المحرك إلى مادتين خام للعمل: البنزين والهواء. يتم شراء البنزين من قبلنا، ويضاف إلى خزان الوقود في السيارة، ويتم تصفيته من خلال نظام تزويد الزيت، ثم يُرسل إلى غرفة الاحتراق في المحرك ليمتزج مع الهواء للاحتراق. والهواء لا يحتاج إلى شراء، فقط خذه مباشرة. كيف يدخل الهواء إلى المحرك؟ هل لا يزال يحتاج إلى تصفية؟

An engine needs two raw materials to work: gasoline and air. Gasoline is purchased by us, added to the fuel tank of the car, filtered through the oil supply system, and then sent to the combustion chamber of the engine to mix with air for combustion. And the air does not need to be purchased, just take it directly. How does the air enter the engine? Still need to filter?

1. How does air enter the engine?

When the engine is working, it is divided into four strokes, one of which is the intake stroke. During this stroke, the engine piston descends, creating a vacuum in the intake manifold, which draws air into the engine's combustion chamber where it mixes with gasoline for combustion.

So, can the air around us be directly supplied to the engine? The answer is no. We know that the engine is a very precise mechanical product, and the cleanliness of raw materials is very strict. The air contains a certain amount of impurities, which will cause damage to the engine, so the air must be filtered. Before entering the engine, the air must be filtered. This device is the air filter, commonly known as the air filter.

2. What is the function of the air filter?

The engine needs to inhale a large amount of air during operation. If the air is not filtered, the dust suspended in the air will be sucked into the cylinder, which will accelerate the wear of the piston group and the cylinder, and larger particles will enter between the piston and the cylinder. It will cause serious "squeezing" phenomenon, especially in dry and sandy working environment. The air filter is installed in front of the carburetor or the intake pipe to filter the dust and sand in the air to ensure sufficient and clean air entering the cylinder.

Among the thousands of parts of the car, the air filter is a very inconspicuous part, because it is not directly related to the technical performance of the car, but in the actual use of the car, the air filter is (especially the engine) ) have a great influence on the service life. On the one hand, if the air filter has no filtering effect, the engine will inhale a large amount of air containing dust and particles, causing serious wear and tear on the engine cylinder; on the other hand, if the air filter is not maintained for a long time during use, the filter element of the vacuum cleaner will It will be full of dust in the air, which will not only reduce the filtering ability, but also hinder the air circulation, resulting in too rich mixture and abnormal engine operation. Therefore, regular maintenance of air filters is essential.

The air filter is the engine's gas mask. It can filter out most of the impurities in the air and provide clean air for the engine. Therefore, its effect is very large. In daily use, it must be cleaned frequently and replaced in time. , Make sure the engine takes in clean air.